CSS Bootcamp - Master CSS (Including CSS Grid / Flexbox), CSS Course - Project Based CSS Tutorial. Learn how to create modern, responsive websites using CSS / CSS Grid / Flexbox
BESTSELLER, Created by Code And Create, George Lomidze, Lasha Nozadze, English, English [Auto-generated]
What you'll learn
- You will start from basics of CSS, where you will learn things like: CSS selectors, CSS combinators, coloring, inheritance, box model, positions and much more...
- After finishing Basic CSS section, you will meet to advanced CSS topics, such as: backgrounds, transitions, transforms, animations, shadow effects and etc.
- You will learn how to align elements using modern CSS modules, like CSS Flexbox and CSS Grid.
- Throughout the course you will be building big, real-world, modern-looking and beautiful projects.
- After finishing the course, you will be able to build your own modern, beautiful websites using pure CSS
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