Golang: Intro to REST API JWT auth with Go programming lang

Golang: Intro to REST API JWT auth with Go programming lang
Golang: Intro to REST API JWT auth with Go programming lang, Golang: Intro to JWT Auth with Golang (Go programming language)
Created by Mike M, English,  English [Auto-generated]


What you'll learn
  • Build a user registration and login backend with Golang
  • Understand JSON Web Tokens (Header, Payload, Signature)
  • Create RESTful APIs (user signup, login and a protected endpoint)
  • Authenticate users with email, password and a JWT
  • Secure RESTful endpoints with JWTs
  • Examine the internals of a JWT
  • Sign and validate a JWT
  • Create a Postgres database instance and a users table and insert records into the table
  • Examine the definitions of different Golang package methods

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