Angular 8 Full Stack Development With Spring Boot (Inc. JWT), Step By Step Web App, Angular 8, Spring Boot 2.1.5, Liquibase, Mysql, JWT Role Based Authentication, Hibernate, Login
Created by Senol Atac, English, English [Auto-generated]
We will create a new project in this course.
And we will implement this project with using Spring Boot 2.1.5, Angular 8, MYSQL and Liquibase.
In our project, we will implement CRUD operations. And these CRUD operations will be requested from Angular.
Then This requests will be handled from Spring Boot.
Our project goes on User and course operations.
Our main operations will be user login, register, profile and course list.
Also, role based operations will be implemented.
And this all things will be provided with secure way in both Angular and Spring Boot side.
We will create a student enrollment system. This system will be implemented with different roles so we will implement role based authentication. To implement role based authentication, we will use JWT on server and client side.
We will implement different panel for each roles so you will see angular role panels.
All implementation will be displayed step by step.
Build your own online eCommerce store and subscription membership website with Stripe, Firebase, Node & Express
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