Django Tutorial: Build Your First App Fast & Free!

Django Tutorial: Build Your First App Fast & Free!
Django Tutorial: Build Your First App Fast & Free!, Enroll in this free step-by-step walkthrough of the official Django tutorial (in python). Additional content included.
Created by BlueApple Courses, English, English [Auto-generated]


What you'll learn
  • Know how to build your own Django projects with ease
  • Create web applications on a highly powerful, popular, & scalable infrastructure
  • Create a mobile-friendly (responsive) site with Twitter Bootstrap
  • Setup Applications in your Django Project
  • Connect a (MySQL) database to your website
  • Design models (database schema) in Django
  • Create a URL mapping configuration for your project
  • Create custom views
  • Leverage templates to separate python logic from website design
  • Use generic views to simplify tedious, redundant pages
  • Create automated tests that can ensure your site works before publishing
  • Add static files (CSS / JS / Images) to make your site look beautiful
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